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Hello guys.The Panorama of public and private health in the country and in the area of public health (SUS) on paper is one of the best health systems in the world, but in practice and utopian and inefficient, on the other hand, the health plan has become a particular SUS. If this situation were not enough, we have the doctors and the health service providers in total dissatisfaction with the values received. Today 76% of the population of our country does not have access to a health plan and a small percentage of the population gets an outpatient care through the public system (SUS), that is, we have a large part of the population that tend to seek medical appointments and exams With own resourcesBased on this scenario, I and my girlfriend who studies biomedicine, we want to open a franchise clinic here in the state of Bahia, which had a system of medical care without monthly fees, which through its network of private medical clinics offers consultations and examinations with: Quality, respect and always with affordable prices.